building your mlm network marketing business with

Hot/Sizzle Cards:

The Hot/Sizzle Card Lead Generation system is an effective, rejection-free, easy to use lead generation system which will enable you to generate qualified leads FAST!

Hot/Sizzle Cards are a business-sized promotional card with a professionally written advertisement that will draw your prospects’ attention and get them calling your voicemail or visiting your web site. Hot/Sizzle Cards can be handed out in person, left on a countertop, slipped under a hotel door, positioned near an ATM, tucked in a car door handle, left on a desk, or distributed in any method you can imagine!

It’s a simple and cost effective lead generation system that can be duplicated instantly throughout your organization The Hot/Sizzle Card Lead Generation System will enhance any existing lead generation and marketing system you currently have in place. Hot/Sizzle Cards can be purchased for less then 3 cents each when ordered in quantities.

To Order Hot/Sizzle Cards contact your sponsor for details and recommendations.

Start putting your Hot/Sizzle Cards to work for you by getting them into as many places as you can creatively come up with.

Generally you will receive a higher response if you hand out the cards in person. WHO? Waitresses, cashiers, salesmen, friends, co-workers, neighbors, people standing in line in front of you, behind you, people waiting in a lobby, people you walk past, etc. ANYONE.

Call your sponsor for more ideas and suggestions.

What to Say?

  • If I could show you how to put an extra $500-$1000 in your pocket this month would that help you?

  • If the timing was right and the money was right would you be open to taking a look at something?

If they ask you QUESTIONS, it is because they are interested. Either answer their questions, or tell them you have an appointment and have to run, but you'd love to have their name, e-mail address and phone number and that you will call them back in a few days with details.

It’s important that you obtain the name and phone number from the prospect so you can follow up.

Here are some samples of what our HOT/SIZZLE CARDS look like:

These cards are great for both "passive" marketing and "pro-active" marketing. Put them to work for your business today!