by Jeff Osness











1. Welcome.

2. How to setup your Business.

3. Mindset and Attitude.

4. Overview of the Make Money or Make Excuse’s Sales System..

5. How to Work With Genealogy Leads.

6. The Invitation Call

7. Objections & Questions from Prospects on Initial Call

8. Closing Sequence.

9. Closing the Deal

10. Setting up the Three-Way Close.

11. Team Contact Info.

12. Conference call Schedule.

13. Tracking Results.






Paradigm Breakers


“Make Money or Make Excuses”


This team and this training manual where designed for one reason and one reason alone “to teach people how to WIN BIG working from home”. You may have tried several home businesses and struggled, but starting right now we are removing all of the obstacles that have previously been in your way. Now it is up to you to “Make Money or Make Excuses” because you can not do both. You may have to break some old Paradigms and build on ours, but you will succeed if you will follow our training.


Paradigm: A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.


Paradigm Shift: A change from one way of thinking to another. It’s a Revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It just does not happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change.


Make Money or Make Excuses you can not do both!










1. Welcome


Welcome to the Paradigm Breakers and to the "Make Money or Make Excuses" training workshops. You now have in your possession the most powerful income opportunity in the home business arena. We get paid more money more quickly than any other legitimate business opportunity in existence.


This is a simple business. Your goal is to do one thing and one thing only.


This is so important it is worth repeating a few times.









That is all it takes to make serious money.


In this manual you will learn the following:


1. How to develop and use the right mindset for making a huge income

2. How our sales technology works

3. Why reverse marketing is the most effective way to build your business

4. How to be totally dangerous on the telephone

5. How to handle your prospects stalls and objections

6. Effective closing


So let's get started!









2. How to setup your Business
You will have web sites that you will be using in your new business:


1. Your main marketing website, This is your central marketing site. Once your sponsor has entered your Info into the company database and you are emailed this fast start manual, you will have your IBO ID number as well as the URL’s to other company web sites. Now you are ready to go set up your main marketing website. Follow the simple instructions to set up your main marketing website account. If you have any problems or questions, call your sponsor for directions.



Now that you have your main marketing website set up you will want to spend a few hours viewing it and getting use to it. You will want to know this site very well. When you send a prospect to view the site, you will want to know what they are seeing. You will also find a lot of good training in your back office, to access this you need to go to your main marketing website and log in using your id number and your password. You will also want to go to the training classes that are done by conference calls. On these conference calls, the instructor will take you step by step through your web site back office.


*Special Note: If you do not know what website you should be using as your main marketing website get with your upline or email me Click Here (make sure you tell me what company your are working with). If you are a leader and have over 1000 people in your downline and you are looking for a custom online marketing system built for your team then email me Click Here












3. Mindset and Attitude


Your mind and the way you think about yourself and your business is where it all starts. Unless you have total belief in yourself and your ability to earn serious money you will never earn big money.


Success is 80% attitude and 20% product knowledge and technique. With the right mindset you can succeed at anything. If you want to be a winner you have to start walking, talking, thinking and acting like a winner. There are a couple of techniques I will teach you in this chapter of the manual to make that happen in a very short time.


Let's start with personal development. There is a saying in business, "The Amount of Money You Make Will Always be in Direct Proportion to Your Personal Growth.


Starting today you need to commit 20-30 minutes a day on your personal development. You need to start reading books written by people who have achieved success in business. These books will cover a wide range of topics you need to work on. I like to balance my reading. Some books teach me techniques I can learn and use to be more effective as an Ameriplan broker. Other books I read to help me develop my self-confidence, think bigger, have better self esteem, etc.


Reading these books by successful people allow you to get into another person's mind, find out how they handle challenges and adversities, and learn how they think about themselves and their place in the world. This makes it easier for you to model this behavior in your life.


For example, when you start your Ameriplan business, some prospects will say No. There was a time in my sales career when I was absolutely afraid to hear the word No from a prospect. In fact, I was so afraid of rejection I wouldn't talk to as many prospects as I should have. This is why I failed at the sales profession for the first couple of months I was in the business.

I stopped failing when I read a book written by a man who was highly successful in our industry. I will always remember one thing about this book. The author said that hearing No from prospects was part of the process and I would never get to the Yes's unless I went through the No's. He also said that the people who heard the most No's made the most money. He actually gave me a different way to look at the word No. He taught me in his book to say this each time a prospect said No: "Great, that No put me one step closer to my next Yes".


My point is this:  Had I not read that book, I never would have learned the right way to look at rejection. I was able to learn from the thoughts of another successful person and modeled those thoughts to achieve the success I wanted. From that time to this day, I spend a few minutes everyday learning from past masters, and I will continue doing that for the rest of my life.


Here is a list of books to start with:


1. The One Minute Millionaire

2. Think and Grow Rich

3. The Greatest Salesman in the World

4 Your First Year in Network Marketing


Start with those four. You will find that every bookstore has a section of books on personal development. I'm sure you will find other books to read.










4. Overview of the Make Money or Make Excuse’s Sales System


In this section I will give you an overview of the sales system the Make Money or Make Excuses team use’s in recruiting new Brokers. In the following sections I will address each component of the sales process in more depth.


Step 1: Secure the name, email address and phone number of a prospect.


Step 2: Invite the prospect to a conference call where the selling will do the selling for you.


Step 3: Follow up and close the prospect.


Step 4: If the prospect does not close on the initial contact you will enter the prospect information into your simple as ABC email drip system (be sure to get the prospects permission to do this). This system will automatically send the prospect an email from you every few days.


In addition, from time to time you can send all prospects in your database information on different promotions Ameriplan might be running. You will stay in touch with these prospects every 45-60 days. A significant number of these people will buy later (even one sale later is significant!).


If you expected this section to be long and involved, keep in mind that this is a Simple System. Again, the key to success is mastering your phone skills and placing lots of people on the conference calls. That and closing after the conference call is the foundation for our success.








5. How to Work With Genealogy Leads


There are positives and negatives when working this type of lead.


The negatives are:

1. Disconnected phone numbers

2. You will make many phone calls


The positives are:

1. The leads are free

2. You will only talk to experienced network marketers

3. You will never run out of people to talk to

4. You can better control the time you decide to work your business

5. You will spend less than one minute on the phone with a prospect on the first call to that prospect.


The key to success in working with Genealogy Leads is WORK THE NUMBERS.  Fact is, if I talk to 10 people per day and you talk to 100 people per day, you will recruit 10 times as many new IBO's as I will.



The first call to the prospect is to invite them to hear your information (by listening to a conference call) we call this the Invitation call.








6. The Invitation Call


There are two schools of thought about how to handle the first call with a new prospect. Some people teach a method that involves qualifying a prospect for interest & money, and some like to teach that all you want to accomplish is get the prospect on a conference call.


The first method normally involves getting the prospect on the phone and first getting permission to ask questions. These questions are designed to find out what motivates the prospect, why he or she is interested in building a home business, how much time the prospect can devote to the business each week and more. This is called qualifying--the goal on this call is


1. Find the prospects hot buttons.

2. Go through a 20 minute script.

3. Build rapport with the prospect.


This type of call normally takes 30-45 minutes.


Some of you are familiar with this method and you might wonder why I don’t use this method. Here are my reasons.


1. If you're going to use this method, you have to be very good on the phone. You need training on not only hearing the words the prospect is saying in response to your questions, but you also need training on understanding what the prospect really means. Most people starting a home business do not have 3-6 months to devote to the training necessary to understand and use this method properly.


2. Think about the message you're sending a prospect as you use this method. What you are saying is: If you say yes and join me in business, you will have to do the same thing I'm doing right now. Make phone calls and be prepared to spend 30 minutes on the phone with each prospect you talk to. In addition to that, you will need to learn a script that’s 3 pages long and how to change direction depending on what the prospect says.


Now I ask you, think back to your conversations with prospects; do you honestly think this is what new people want to do?


I mean for a lot of new brokers, just learning to pick up the phone and calling a prospect is huge. If you add a 30-minute script to the process that compounds the fear a lot of people will have about picking up the phone. You will have a lot of prospects that like Ameriplan, love the compensation plan, they even like you and think you're a great person, but they pass anyway because they do not feel comfortable having to do what you're doing.


3. Consider your time. You could spend 30 minutes with a prospect asking all the questions, getting the right answers, reading your script only to find you have spent 30 minutes of your valuable time with someone that is lonely and only wanted someone to talk to. At best, if you use this approach, you could only talk to 2 prospects an hour and unless you're a real pro, that prospect could have you answering questions about your business that would be better explained on the conference call.


This is why I prefer to use a short but powerful approach that involves 1 or 2 simple questions, give the prospects information to get to your conference call and get off the phone and on to the next prospect.


Here are the reasons I prefer a short high impact approach:


1. MY time - I can contact a lot more prospects in 1 hour if I'm only on the phone for a minute or less. Typically the only reason I would be on the phone as long as a minute is the prospect took time to find a pen and paper to write down my conference call info.


2. The message I'm sending to the prospect without having to say it out loud is, “If you decide to join me, all you have to learn is a short 30 second script that involves 1 or 2 very simple questions.”


3. Because my numbers are higher in terms of the number of people I can contact in an hour, I am not emotionally tied to the prospects decision. Compare that to spending 30 minutes with the prospect. If I have 30 minutes invested in the call, I am going to be more emotionally involved in the prospects decision than the prospect is.


Finally, and this is big, when I'm closing a prospect after he has been to the conference call, my short approach has helped me countless times to close the prospect. As I have mentioned before every prospect you work will want to know:


1. Does the program work or is it real and

2. This is the big one, “Can I do it?”

As I close prospects, I tell them think back to our first conversation. I spent about 45 seconds on the phone with you; all I did was ask you one simple question. This is not complicated, do you think if you had 200 prospects to call each day you could take 30-45 seconds and ask that prospect 1 simple question? Most prospects agree they could handle that, so the short approach will help you attract people to your business.


Now let’s move on and examine the invitation script.



Ok, you dial the number and the phone rings. It’s a prospect from your genealogy list, so what do you say? 


Here's the script:


Hello (prospects name), my name is (you name) and I am calling from my home in (your city and state). The reason I am calling is, at one time you were building a home business and I wanted to ask if you are still working your business? (Prospect answers) Don't worry, I did not call to bend your ear or give you a sales pitch however I did want to ask you one question.

If I could honestly show you a way to put 1,000 dollars into your bank account within the next 30 days, would that be worth about 30 minutes of your time later today?

Great, I am going to send you to a Live business overview call.

Do you have something to write with? OK write this down, first my phone number is (your phone number) and the phone number to the Live call is Give them the best recruiting number you know. Also (prospects name) I am going to send you an email with this information, what is your best email address?             

 get the email here

(Prospects name) what would be a good time for us to swap calls after you have heard the information so I can get your feed back about the call?

Great, I look forward to talking to you at (what ever time the prospects says)


Now that you have read the script now listen to a few examples





That’s how you handle the call. If you are paying attention you will notice there are two questions, “are you still working your home business?” and the other question is, “If I could honestly show you how to put 1,000 dollars into your bank account in the next 7 days, would that be worth 30 minutes of your time later today?”


There is actually one more questions “Do you have something to write with?” but the only ones that really count are those two main questions.


So let’s break this down so you understand each part of the script.


You're first statement is Hi ______, I contacted  you because at one time you were building a home based business?”


With this statement and question you are first showing the prospect that you respect his time and you are thanking him for taking the time to speak with you. Notice, here you do not say. “How are you today?” You do not want to ask a prospect on a business call "how are you today" for this reason. You really don't care. I'm not being harsh or rude here, but let’s face facts, you don't know this person and the only thing you really care about is getting this person on a conference call. And you're prospect knows this, the only business people who start a call with how are you today are poorly trained telemarketers. I'm sure you have been called in the past by a telemarketer you don't know and when that person says "how are you today" your response is "what do you want," that’s your response because you know that telemarketer doesn't really care how you're doing today. You actually resent the question because you know it’s not a sincere question. So, if you have been starting your prospecting calls with the "How are you today" question, get rid of that as of right now.


Next, remember you called this prospect from a genealogy list, so tell the prospect right now why you contacted him/her. You want to proceed immediately because you don't want to give the prospect time to start pitching you on his program, so tell him why you contacted him or her with this verbiage.

"The reason I am calling is, at one time you were building a home business.”


What you have done here is establish the fact that you are not a prospect for his business. This alone will stop a lot of these people from going into trying to pitch you on their program.


Your next step is to keep control of the conversation with a question. The question is, "are you still working your business?"


You have actually accomplished two things with this question. First, you keep control of the conversation because the person asking the questions is the person in control. In addition to that, you asked the prospect a question where the answer is most likely Yes; this will actually help later in the call because you have started the prospect on a yes pattern with a simple question.


Now at this time the prospect is feeling a little suspicious and a little disappointed. He thought you were a prospect, now he knows you're not a prospect and to add insult to injury, he suspects that you are going to pitch him on your program. So let’s relax this person with your next statement.


“Don't worry, I didn't call to bend your ear or give you a sales pitch, but I did want to ask you one question.”


What you have accomplished with this statement is to relax the prospect. He was thinking, here comes a pitch, but instead you tell him don't worry, there's no pitch, I just have one question.


Your next step is to immediately pop the question. This question is the whole point of the call.


If I could honestly show you how to put 1,000 dollars into your bank account in the next 7 days would that be worth 30 minutes of your time later today?


What you have accomplished with this statement is give the prospect a reason to want to learn more. The vast majority of the prospects you talk to would love to be putting 1,000 dollars into there bank account per week. As you know, most of these prospects are failing miserably with their home business. Occasionally you will call a player in the industry that is already successful in his business.

But this is a good thing. You want to be sure and keep that players name, email and phone. In fact, you want to database all of your prospects, but especially these players.


Now back to the script. The rest of the script is just about giving the prospect information to get to the call.


By now you know how the script is structured and why your job right now is to practice, drill and rehearse. You want to absolutely master the scripts.

Take a few minutes each day, read the script out loud a few times to get the words used to coming out of your mouth. In addition, as you practice, grab a tape recorder and tape yourself. Listen to yourself and ask yourself would I go to the conference call if that person invited me? Be as objective as you can be and keep working and practicing until the scripts roll off your tongue naturally.


Your inbound calls work exactly the same way as the outbound call. There is just a slight change in the first sentence of the call.


Always remember that there is no such thing as “get rich quick” This method of prospecting works and works really well however no program will work if you do not work the program. Be prepared to get a lot of disconnected numbers and no answer, this is just part of the process (always remember the leads are free and unlimited). The only way to make money with out having to hear rejections is, get yourself a blue jacket and go to work for wal-mart as a greeter. After all that is plan b for most people anyway. You have come this far, you have already set yourself apart from MOST PEOPLE.









7. Objections & Questions from Prospects on Initial Call

Many prospects will have questions at this stage. You do NOT want to get into answering questions at this time.

The following are the most common questions you will get, along with the answers that I recommend you give.


1. What's it all about?

2. How much will it cost me?


Question: What's it all about

Answer: Good question, this is an information call for network marketers only. I'm putting you in front of one of the top marketers in America. His name is Mark Jarvis and he is a strong 6-figure per month income earner. Would you like Mark to show you how YOU can put 1,000 on your kitchen table by this time next week?


Question: What's this going to cost:

Answer: Honestly_________, the only cost is 20 minutes of your time. In fact, I can guarantee this - the information you will hear on this call will be worth thousands to you. In fact, you will learn on the call that this is not about you investing money but making money. Oh, by the way, is this the best number to call you back?  Good, I'll get this info out to you by email so you have a hard copy.  What email address do you want me to send it to?  Great, I'll talk to you after the call.


Just remember no matter what questions they may try to throw out at you to answer them in 1 or 2 sentences and move on. Your job is not to teach, train or present to these people at this time that have not earned that much from you yet. Just get them invited to the call and schedule the follow up call









8. Closing Sequence


This sequence should be used on the follow up call.


Hi ____________this is (Your Name), that was an awesome call, wasn't it?   So tell me_____________, what did you like most about what you heard?


That's interesting -- why is that important to you?


So ___________, based on what you've told me it sounds like it makes sense to get started doesn't it?


Note: If prospect agrees take the prospect to your website and sign them up. If the prospect has any objection at all use the following procedure to continue.


How to Handle Objections


 In a perfect world, you could invite prospects to a conference call or give a sales presentation, and afterwards they would all be ready to buy or signup. There are two things wrong with this scenario. First, we don't live in a perfect world, and two, if all prospects bought without any objections, Ameriplan would not need you and there would be no opportunity.


Now as we go through this training I want you to keep a couple of things in mind.


First - Objections are a good thing. Most recruiters who don't know any better fear objections and see them as obstacles to closing the deal. In actual fact, the reasons objections are good is because they tell you how and what the prospect is thinking. If you know what the prospects issues are, you can address those issues.


Here's what I mean, let’s say you follow up with a prospects and he enthusiastically says he loves everything he heard, but every time you ask for the deal he says don't worry, I'm going to do this but not today. But he won't tell you why he's not starting today. I hate that type of prospect because he won't give me anything to work with. Let’s flip that around, the prospect says I love everything but I'm not sure I can afford to get started.


With this prospect, you know you have to address the money issue. As long as you can offer solutions to the prospect that address the money issue to the prospects satisfaction, you can close the deal.


So from now on, see objections as signposts that tell you what you have to do to close the prospect.


Second - In a way, objections give us an advantage. What I mean by that is this. Prospects use the same objections. They all say the same things. I want to think about it, I can't afford it; I have to talk to my spouse, etc. It’s almost like prospects go to an “Objection to Buying School” where they learn what to say to keep from making buying decisions.


Now, because we know what the prospects are going to say, we can prepare responses and procedures to handle those objections in advance.


We would be in trouble if every prospect you talked to invented objections you never heard before. So, we actually have the advantage, because we can use procedures that have been developed, tested and perfected to handle those objections we hear over and over.


Finally, keep this in mind. The worst thing you can do is to continue letting the same objection keep you from closing deals. I've heard recruiters say, “this one objection keeps shutting me down. I just can't overcome this particular objection. I’ve been recruiting for some time now and I have never overcome this one objection.”


These recruiters are like a lot of salespeople, they will not invest the extra time to sit down and develop procedures to handle that one objection. I don't care what you're promoting; you will consistently hear the same objections from prospects. Your job is to do the smart thing and develop 2-3 procedures for every objection you hear consistently. Test these procedures until you have 2-3 that work. Now, when that objection comes up, instead of saying Oh my Goodness! Here it is again, you will say to yourself, Bring it on Mr. Prospect! I am ready for that one.

Take the time to prepare your response and procedures, and the confidence you will have when talking to a prospect will increase 100%. When you project confidence, instead of fear, you will close more deals.


This is a six-step procedure you can use to create your responses to common objections. Take a few minutes and make a list of the objections you hear most often from your prospects. Pick the one that gives you the most trouble and use what the following six steps to develop 2-3 answers to that objection. Not one answer, you need 2-3 answers for each objection.


Here are the six steps


1. Listen

2. Show empathy

3. Restate the objection and turn it into a question

4. Isolate and confirm

5. Answer

6. Get agreement and close


Let’s go over each of these steps so you will understand how it all works together.


1st Step - Listen - This is extremely important. When you prospect is giving you his or her objection, you need to let the prospect finish what he has to say. You may have heard the objection 1000 times and you know what the prospect is going to say, but if you interrupt the prospect, you're being rude. That is not the way to make friends and influence people. So, sit quietly as the prospect is voicing the objection and make sure he is done talking before you respond.


2nd Step - Show Empathy - After the prospect has voiced his objection a lot of recruiters will go on the offensive and actually start arguing with the prospect.  Challenging what the prospect just said. For example, a prospect says I want to talk to my spouse, the closer will say “I don’t know how things are where you come from but around here we don’t say baby can I, we say baby look at what I did.  Ok that is a little strong besides it is confrontational and it will not help you close the deal. Instead, what you want to do is show the prospect that you are just like he is and you understand his issues or concerns. Let’s use that same objection; I want to talk to my spouse.


You could respond like this.

I understand, I'm also married and we like to discuss things before making any major decision.




I appreciate what you're saying.


Showing that you understand and saying it will actually relax the prospect and this allows you to move on to Step 3 of the formula


Step 3 - Restate the objection and turn it into a question

The reason you want to restate the objection, is again, to show the prospect that you have heard him, you understand him and you are both on the same page. You finish this part of the formula by turning it into a question. The reason for this is it’s easier to answer a question then overcome an objection. This helps the prospect see his concerns as an issue that can be answered as opposed to an obstacle to moving forward. Here’s how that might go, and again we will use the same I have to talk to my spouse objection.


So, what you're saying, Mr. Prospect is you want to discuss this with your spouse to make sure she supports your decision, is that correct?


You will have to learn how to do this step for each objection, you will hear the same objections over and over again, so take your list of the most common objections and practice restating the different objections and turning it into a question.


Step 4 - Isolate and confirm - This step involves isolating the prospects objection and confirming this is the only issue keeping the prospect from becoming a new broker. You don't want to be in a position where you handle a prospects objection, you're ready to close and he comes up with another objection. If there are additional objections, this is the time to get it out so you can deal with it also.


Here's how you use this step.


So, Mr. Prospect, in addition to discussing this with your wife, is there anything else keeping you from going forward on this? (Wait for answer)

This is the isolation question. It doesn't matter if there are, or are not, additional issues. You finish this step with the following.


Ok Mr Prospect, if talking to your wife was not an issue; would you be getting started today?


If the prospect says, yes that is the only thing keeping me from going forward, move on to the next step. Sometimes this additional question will bring to the surface other objections the prospect did not mention when you were isolating.  


So, Mr. Prospect, if I could show you a way to handle this that would keep both you and your wife happy, there wouldn't be anything keeping you from moving on this, right?


Do you see what’s happening here? We are literally boxing this prospect into a corner. We have made him tell us what his objections are, we went a step further to uncover any other objections the prospect might have, and we got the prospect to say that if I could show him a workable solution, he would signup.

So, what we have done is made it difficult for the prospect to continue stalling as long as we provide a solution that works for him. We will now offer our solution in Step 5.


Step 5 - Answering the objection - Here is where we will address his concerns and work together to find a solution to those concerns that works for both him and us. Now again, you will be dealing with the same objections, so take time and develop these answers. I will provide a sample answer to the spouse objection here.


All right, Mr. Prospect, as I said I understand you having to talk to your wife. I run across this all the time and here is what typically happens. Most wives are concerned about money going out but not coming back in. What I'm saying is, following the company and our team's different business model, you will be in a positive cash flow within 48 hours. If you recall, With our comp plan you get (daily, weekly, etc). Here's what you need to keep in mind as you make this decision. Do you have a good work ethic? The reason I want you to think about that is this, if you will give this business 2-3 hours a day, apply what we teach, you can enjoy an average weekly  income of $1000 to start with.

Let me ask you, do you have a good work ethic? (Wait for answer)

Next question, would your wife object to an extra $1000 a week? (Wait for answer) That’s my point, so with that in mind, it makes sense to get started, doesn't it? Good, all I need is your name as it appears on your credit card.


Ok, in that answer I actually added the 6th and final step.


Step 6 - Get agreement and Close - You will notice that I answered the objection then I said that’s my point, so it makes sense to get started doesn't it? Notice the tie down


At that point, as long as you get a yes, it’s time to close. If you recall the 6th step was get agreement and close. If you ask the get agreement question and you do not get a yes, do not try and close. You still have work to do. What you will need to do is use additional objection verbiage you have developed to handle the spouse objection. This is the reason you want to have 2 or 3 objection answers to each common objection. Sometimes you need to address an objection a couple of different times using a couple of different answers to get the prospect to the point where you can close him.


So now you have the formula for developing answers to objections.


There is a saying, "Successful people do the things unsuccessful people won't do."


This is an area you want to master. Your ability to confidently and smoothly answer a prospect’s objections and concerns will make a tremendous difference in your signup rates. If you stumble and stall when a prospect expresses an objection, you have an excellent chance of losing that prospect. Your prospects can sense when you’re stumbling over an answer or you’re not sure about your answer.


This is an area where you do not want to wing it. You should know what the most common objections are.


You should take the time to prepare quality answers, and most important, those objection answers should be in writing and placed where you can read them if that objection comes up.


Like your invitation script, you want to spend a lot of time practicing the delivery of these answers so, although you are reading the answer, it doesn't sound like you're reading. The more you practice the better you will be.


Now you know how to start the follow up or closing call. In addition, you know how to respond to objections. With this knowledge you are now armed to help your downline close there deals also.  









9. Closing the Deal


If you don't close the prospect, all of the work it took to find the prospect, get him or her in front of your recruiting information, will be wasted. 


If you are having trouble getting the prospect to say yes to your offer, chances are you have been afraid to ask the prospect to make a yes decision or you have been asking the wrong way. It is your job to make it easy for the prospect to buy.


Let’s take a look at what typically happens when you make the follow up call to a prospect after he or she has been to the conference call, or listened to a pre-recorded version of our recruiting information.


Let’s use a guy named Joe, as the recruiter, and Jane, as the prospect. Jane has been to Joe’s pre recorded call and Joe is now calling Jane to hopefully get a yes decision.


Jane answers the phone and Joe says,

"Hi Jane, this is Joe. So, what did you think about the call? 


That is absolutely the wrong question to ask, but that is exactly what the typical home businessperson says on the follow up. The reason that’s a lousy question to ask on the follow up call is the question is so broad Jane literally has to take a few seconds and think about an answer.


Now, back to Joe and Jane. Now what typically happens is Joe telling her all of the things he likes about the program, and when he is unable to get a decision and the call ends with Jane saying, "I want to think about it."


So, what happened? Jane seemed somewhat interested, but Joe couldn't get a commitment or decision. Instead he got a weak, I want to think about it, and in plain English, most of the time, that means the answer is no.  


How do I know that? I know that because Joe follows up a few times and either can't get Jane on the phone or Jane says she hasn't had time to think about it yet.


Now, I want to ask you, does any of this stuff sound familiar? Is this what you've been dealing with?


What went wrong on the call, in addition to the weak opening Joe used, was he never focused on the Jane’s needs, likes, and desire, and therefore he never connected with Jane. I like to call this tuning into WIFM   What’s In It For Me.


So, let’s look at the right way to handle a follow up call.


Joe calls Jane, and says with enthusiasm,

Hi Jane, this is Joe. That was an awesome call, wasn't it?


Let’s take a second and examine this technique. Joe is not asking Jane what she thought; instead Joe is taking a proactive approach, telling Jane it was an awesome call. Doing it this way, the message Joe is sending to Jane is, I know what you just heard was awesome call, everybody who hears that conference call thinks its awesome. This communicates to Jane that Joe has total confidence that his offer is the best thing since fried chicken. After Joe makes that statement, he ends the sentence by saying, wasn't it?


When Joe tacked wasn't it on the end if the statement, he was using a tie down. Tie downs make it easy for the prospect to say yes. Tie downs are also what some call mini questions and the person asking the questions is the person in control.


After Joe’s question, wasn't it - the vast majority of prospects will say yes, it was a good call. After Jane says yes it was a good call, Joe continues on the offensive and says this.


So, tell me Jane, what did you like most about what you heard?


That question is so powerful. It accomplishes two things for you. First, Jane will take a second and think about what she liked, so all of the images and thoughts in Jane’s mind right now are focused on the things she liked. That is exactly what you want a prospect to be thinking about on a closing call.


Before we move on to the other thing that questions accomplishes for you, let me show you an example of a variation of this technique that you will be familiar with. Anytime you buy a new car, have you ever noticed the salesperson always insists you test-drive the car? What you don't know is, if you were to say to the salesperson, I'll buy that one I don't need to drive it, when the car salesman goes to his manager with the paperwork, the first question the sales manager asks the salesman is, did the prospect drive the car? If that salesman says, No”, but they want to buy it anyway.” That salesman will be told to go back and have the prospect drive the car. The manager wants that prospect thinking about that new car smell, the smooth ride and cold air conditioning and so on before the negotiations begin. (I know this to be a fact as I was general manager of a new car dealership). You want your prospect thinking about all of the things he liked on the call, before you actually attempt to close. Your prospect will be thinking about things like being able to work from home, quit that JOB, retirement, residual income, immediate income, financial freedom and maybe for the first time in that prospects life, having the money to do the things he or she really wants to do.


Now, let’s look at what else this question does.

When Jane answers the question, she is telling Joe what she liked. This is ammunition Joe can use later in helping Jane go ahead and say yes.


For example, let’s say Jane answered, “Well, I liked two things. I like the fact that I can enjoy immediate cash flow and I like the fact that I can create residual income.”


Later when Jane says, "I'm not sure I want to do this yet." Joe can say, “Jane, I understand. Let me ask you this, would you like to make real cash now while building the long term, lifetime residual income?”


Joe took the information he got from asking that question to push Janis’s button and close the sale.


Now, do you see why it’s important to focus on what the prospect likes about Ameriplan, not what you like, about the Ameriplan?


Let’s review. Joe started the call with, “Hi Jane, this is Joe. That was an awesome call wasn't it?”


Next, Joe says what did you like most about what you heard?


Now so far, we are heading home with this prospect, but don't jump the gun yet, we want to take one more step before we ask for a decision.


When Jane is finished telling Joe what she liked about the call, Joe's next question will be "That’s interesting, why is that important to you?”


Now this is what we call 2nd level data. When Jane answered the second question and told Joe what she liked, that was first level data. Sometimes that’s not enough. By asking Jane why those things are important to her, chances are good you will get the real data you want, so don't skip this step. You will be amazed sometimes at how the prospect will open up and tell you what they are really feeling. If any objections come up while the prospect is answering, just make a mental note and don't respond to the objection yet. You will learn that many times prospects will deal with their own objections and you won't have to, so resist the temptation to respond to any objections just yet.


Now that Jane has told us why what she liked is important to her, let’s go for the first close. Here's how Joe will handle that.


So Jane based on what you've told me, it sounds like it makes sense to get started, doesn't it?


Did you notice that tie down, doesn't it, again, tie downs make it easy for a prospect to say yes.


When Jane says yes, it makes sense, Joe says great; all I need is your name as it appears on your credit card.


Notice what Joe did here. He did not say do you want to get started, which only gives the prospect the option to answer yes or no. The reason you don't want to close on a yes or no question is because we live in a negative world and it’s easier for most prospects to say no.


Now you know how to close. This simple four-step procedure is highly effective. But let me caution you, no technique, no matter how powerful or effective, will work 100% of the time, but if you use the technique properly you will find that you will close more prospects then you ever have in the past.


Now here's what you need to do.


Practice, drill and rehearse this procedure until its second nature and use it. Start using it today.


If this were a perfect world, all of your prospects would close after this simple procedure, but it’s not a perfect world. Some prospects will have questions, objections and issues.


On every follow up call one of three things should happen.


1. You close the deal.


2. The prospect shows that they are brain dead.


3. You do a three way with someone on the team.


Always remember, we are a team and no team ever becomes number one without working together! I cannot help but to remember the LA Lakers of 2003, they had the best talent money could buy however they did not work together and therefore they never became number one. 


At first this type of recruiting may put you outside your comfort zone. Always remember a great Quote by Greg Arnold, “ALL GREATNESS IS ACHIEVED WHILE PERFORMING OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE”.








10. Setting up the Three-Way Close


Always remember that the three-way close is your best tool for closing the deal. You will always want to follow the closing procedures that I have listed above, however if you still have not closed the deal use the Three-Way Close!!!


Setting up the Three-Way Close is a three step process.


1. At some point in the close, I always tell the prospect that they will be in business for there self but never by there self (this is setting up the three-way).


2. During the close, use your IM to find a closing partner. You will find that there are several IM programs out there and your closing partners may all be using different ones so I suggest using Trillian, you can down load it here:


We do not use this Instant Messenger for anything except setting up three why closings. Idle chat is not accepted in this Instant Messenger as we need to keep it open for closing the deals. Also this is an excellent way to keep up with who is working there business and at what time that person is active.


3. Ask the prospect if they can hold on a second, call your three way buddy and three-way them into the call. Tell your prospect; “remember I told you that with our team you will be in business for yourself but never by yourself? Well I have (Your three-way buddies name) on the line with us and he/she is one of my business partners.” This will show the prospect that they also will have help when they need it. After you have introduced your three-way buddy, your job is to be A FLY ON THE WALL! Let your three way buddy do his job.








11. Team Contact Info





12. Conference call Schedule


The Conference call Schedules are updated often make sure you get an updated version from your sponsor/upline.  I understand that you cannot make all of the calls each week, however you should make every effort to make at least 2 training calls a week.


This manual is your roadmap to both time and financial freedom. I suggest that you save it to your hard drive and also print it out. You need to read this manual several times and listen to all the listed audios several times. By following this training as well as working with your upline, you will remove all excuses you have ever had for not making money, that is why I like to call this training MAKE MONEY OR MAKE EXCUSES because you simply cannot do both.








13. Tracking Results


The final step is tracking your results.


“When we deal in Generalities, we shall Never Succeed. When we deal in specifics we shall rarely have a failure. When Specifics are recorded, performance improves. When specifics are recorded and reported, the rate of improvement is accelerated.”

Thomas S Monson


We have designed a very simple and effective way of keeping track of your activity vs. your results so here it is. First, when you sit down to work your business (the telephone) you must have a piece of paper, binder or spiral note book right in front of you with a pen. Here is a list of all the information you need to track when you sit down and Smile and Dial


1.      Number of phone numbers dialed

2.      Number of messages you leave

3.      Number of people you personally contact (this does not include wrong numbers)

4.      Number of times you delivered the invitation script

5.      Number of follow up calls (these are people who have already been invited to the conference call and you are calling them back to seal the deal)

6.      Number of 3-way phone calls you made

7.      Number of brokers you enrolled


These numbers you track must be shared on your daily group call and reviewed with your sponsor on a daily basis. DO NOT pick up the phone and call me with out having these numbers right in front of you. This is your business treat it like a business and it will pay you like a business; treat it like a hobby and it will pay you like a hobby. Can you imaging Wal-Mart executives getting together for their daily meetings sitting down and saying “well we had some people come in the store today and some of them bought stuff and others did not. We had a bunch of VCR’s but now we have less. I think we made money today but I am not sure”. How profitable would they be trying to run their business with out tracking results?


We can show you how to be successful and help you achieve the dreams you desire, but we can not help you and you can not help yourself if no one knows what you are doing on a daily basis. If you track these numbers we can pin point exactly what you need to improve to have HUGE SUCCESS. It is a pleasure to be in business with you and I look forward to helping you Break Paradigms in your mind and begin to Make Money Not Excuses.